Bio Energy


Energy from Waste

Burning of fossil fuels increases carbon dioxide and global warming. We offer solution to reduce carbon dioxide and global warming. Our patented technology offers special solution for organic waste to high temperature heat and electricity generation. Our Modern Bioenergy technologies consume biomass, urban & agriculture waste to generate clean & green energy. Our Machine does not release smoke & it is pollution free.

The technology of the machine accepts organic waste in powder form, resulting in the lower cost of fuel as compared to pallets. The machine shown here is a kind of high temperature furnace, wherein internal temperature is maintained between 150°C to 1500°C, using advance electronic process
controllers. The fuel feed-rate, heat extraction and tight tolerance temperature is maintained through dedicated control system. Exhaust contains negligible pollutants and smoke. There is nil need of bag filters, because zero ash residue is released through exhaust pipe. The system controllers
maintain efficient operation of the furnace. The competitive furnaces, which uses organic waste require biomass pallets which are becoming costly due to the dedicated manufacturing process of pallets. The conventional furnaces emit much higher level of pollutants.


High Energy Efficiency Systems

Space cooling such as air conditioners is common. Diesel generators are wasted the energy in the form of heat. We offer solutions to reduce energy wasted due to poor insulation. It improves cooling and heating. Heat from diesel generator is recovered.

Our innovative, patented and awarded technology offers special solution for waste to high temperature heat and electricity generation. Technology is different from any of the existing system. Running cost is much lower. It solves pollution and ash residue also.